How to Know If Your Cavy Is Pregnant?

A cavy is also called a guinea pig. A cavy's pregnancy period lasts 10 weeks. Since that isn't a lot of time, you'll begin noticing signs that your cavy is pregnant soon after she conceives. It's important to find out whether your guinea pig is pregnant or not, because if she is simply gaining weight and not pregnant, she could be suffering from a health issue.


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      Examine your cavy's belly. At about the third or fourth week marker, you'll begin to notice your guinea pig take on a pear shape if she's pregnant. Weight gain is the first indication that your cavy is pregnant. It's a good idea to weigh her when you first notice the weight gain, so you can track whether she continues to gain weight every week.

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      Check to see if your cavy is eating and drinking more. Like human pregnancies, guinea pigs must consume more food and drink when they are pregnant. A combination of weight gain plus a bigger appetite is almost certainly indicative of pregnancy.

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      Feel your cavy's stomach. At about the six or seventh week of pregnancy, you can begin to feel the babies kick. Hold your cavy gently in your hands or touch her belly with your finger to feel any sudden kicks or jerks.