How to Tell a Female or Male Guinea Pig Apart

Knowing the sex of the guinea pig you own or what sex you're buying or rescuing will help prevent unwanted pregnancies in the future. Identifying the sex of a guinea pig can be challenging but it doesn't need to be if you know what to look for before you start handling your pet. With careful attention and an eye for details, you can identify the sex of your guinea pig with confidence.


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      Look at the genital area on your guinea pig. Most guinea pigs will have an area that looks like the letter Y. Female guinea pigs will usually look puffy or bumpy in this area. Most mature males will have a definite scrotum pouch.

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      Part the Y area gently. On a female, the Y becomes more pronounced with pressure. On a male, a slight protrusion will occur at the top of the Y.

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      Press above the genital area gently. With male guinea pigs, the slight pressing will make the penis protrude.

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      Look at the size of your guinea pig in relation to other guinea pigs. Male guinea pigs are generally larger than females and usually have smaller nipples.