Types of Hamsters
Syrian hamsters are the real fighters of the hamster family. Although it's accurate to say that hamsters frequently fight, it really depends on what type of hamster is being discussed. There are essentially two types: Syrian and dwarf hamsters. While dwarf hamsters will fight, it isn't a common behavior for them. Syrians, though (and the variants on Syrians like Teddy Bear Hamsters) are born fighters. Females are more likely to fight than males, but neither gender is immune.
Solitary Animals
Dwarf hamsters are the only hamsters that can be housed together. Syrian hamsters fight because they are solitary animals. Two Syrian hamsters should never be forced to live in the same cage. While this is especially true of two or more females (because they are the most aggressive), it applies to multiple males in the same cage and even to a male and female together. You should never house multiple hamsters together. The exception to this is the dwarf hamsters (house them in pairs), as they like company.
Some Special Conditions
Baby hamsters can be housed together. The solitary instinct of hamsters doesn't kick in until they are about six or eight weeks old. Until then, they can be housed together. When mating hamsters the female should be put into the male's cage. A female hamster will often attack a male if he is in her home turf. In addition, she might attack him in his cage if she isn't in heat.
Dwarf Hamster Figthing
Dwarf hamsters will fight if overcrowded. Even dwarf hamsters will sometimes fight. As opposed to Syrian hamsters, it's the male dwarf hamsters that are more likely to quarrel. Typically dwarf hamsters will fight for territory (especially if the cage is overcrowded). While Syrian hamsters only fight when they mean it, and the fighting can be brutal, dwarf hamsters will play fight. This behavior should be easy to differentiate from real fighting because they will just roll around, squeaking and chasing.
Fighting Behavior
When two hamsters are fighting, it is hard to miss. They will make a lot of noise. You might hear something that sounds almost like screaming. They will run at top speed at one another. Biting and snarling are common. If you've seen two hamsters fighting you aren't likely to forget it. Although they are small animals, they are fierce when fighting one another. Their teeth and claws are capable of serious damage to one another.
Why Do Hamsters Fight Each Other?
Hamsters gain access to the hearts and homes of their owners largely because of their adorable cuddly appearance. Beneath that friendly exterior, though, lies an animal that can be a fierce fighter. In fact, it's common for one hamster to severely injure (or even kill) another hamster in a fight. It can be shocking to the owner to see such behavior, but it's natural for these rodents.