How to Tell If a Guinea Pig Is Healthy in a Pet Store?

Guinea pigs are docile animals that can live up to eight years. They are social pets and require plenty of attention and care. If you decide to buy your guinea pig from a pet store rather than adopting one, there are a few things to look for to ensure you̵7;re getting a healthy guinea pig from the start.


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      Choose a highly regarded pet store. Some pet stores mistreat their animals. Use your best judgment and ask around for a pet store that has high standards.

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      Choose a guinea pig with a shiny coat. Some types of guinea pigs have more coarse hair and in this case, you should look for any skin problems. There shouldn̵7;t be any dandruff or hair loss. There shouldn̵7;t be any lumps or abscesses on his skin. Modest shedding is normal but anything more than that indicates something might be wrong.

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      Choose a guinea pig with clear eyes. Clear eyes indicate health. Crusty or matted eyes could be signs of an infection. Cloudy, sunken or bulging eyes are also signs that a guinea pig is not in optimal health.

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      Look at the guinea pig̵7;s nose and ears. His nose should be clean with no discharge of any kind. His ears should be relatively clean with no buildup of any kind.

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      Examine the guinea pig̵7;s teeth. They should be straight and his top teeth should sit over his bottom teeth.

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      Check the guinea pig̵7;s paws. His nails should be clean and short. His paws should not have any wounds, blisters or unusual bumps.

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      Look at the guinea pig̵7;s bottom. It should not be wet or have any matted hair.

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      Choose a guinea pig that is alert and active. An inactive guinea pig may indicate sickness.