Why Do Guinea Pigs Lose Their Hair?

Over the course of a guinea pig's life, he or she will shed hair at a gradual rate similar to the shedding cycle of a dog's coat. However, more aggressive hair loss, particularly if it leads to bald patches, sores or scabs, could be indicative of a serious health condition. Veterinary care should be sought immediately.
  1. Causes

    • Mange mites are the most common cause of parasitic hair loss in guinea pigs. Other causes of hair loss can include lice, hormonal disorders or barbering by a cage mate.


    • Signs that a guinea pig has unnatural hair loss can include intense and frequent scratching, scaly skin or areas of sores and scabs. Large bald patches may occur.


    • According to Guinea Lynx, untreated mite infestation can become painful and lead to death. Treatment often includes the medication ivermectin by injection, orally or topically.

    Prevention and solution

    • Providing the guinea pig with a high quality diet and keeping its habitat clean through frequent bedding changes can help prevent the spread of parasites and ensure overall well-being.


    • When a guinea pig loses hair the effects are the same as a person shedding clothing. He or she should be kept warm and away from drafts, but also out of direct sunlight.