My guinea pigs had a huge scrap and one of them has cut off lip is bleeding?

If your guinea pig has a cut-off lip that is bleeding, it's important to seek immediate medical attention. Here are some steps you should take:

1. Gently restrain your guinea pig in a towel or blanket to keep it calm and prevent further injury.

2. Use a clean cloth or paper towel to apply direct pressure to the bleeding area. Hold it in place for several minutes or until the bleeding stops.

3. While applying pressure, be sure to check your guinea pig's breathing and ensure that it's not in distress.

4. Rinse the cut with clean, lukewarm water to remove any debris or dirt. Be gentle and avoid causing any additional pain.

5. Apply a small amount of antibiotic cream or ointment to the cut to help prevent infection. Be sure to use a pet-safe product and avoid products containing alcohol or harsh chemicals.

6. Keep the area clean and dry to promote healing. You may want to place an Elizabethan collar or cone on your guinea pig to prevent it from biting or scratching at the wound.

7. Provide your guinea pig with a comfortable, quiet place to rest and recover. Offer plenty of fresh water and a diet rich in vitamin C to support wound healing.

8. Monitor the wound closely for any signs of infection or complications. If the wound doesn't heal properly, becomes infected, or if your guinea pig shows any concerning symptoms (e.g., changes in eating, drinking, or behavior), seek immediate medical attention.

It's important to remember that guinea pigs are small animals with sensitive skin, and any injury should be taken seriously. Seeking professional veterinary care as soon as possible will help your guinea pig get the best chance for a quick and safe recovery.