Why do baby guinea pigs twitch?

There are a few reasons why baby guinea pigs might twitch.

1. They're cold.

Guinea pigs are very susceptible to cold, and even a slight drop in temperature can cause them to start twitching. If you think your baby guinea pig is cold, try warming them up by placing them in a warm blanket or holding them in your hands.

2. They're hungry.

Baby guinea pigs need to eat frequently in order to maintain their energy levels. If they're hungry, they may start twitching as a way of signaling that it's time to eat.

3. They're stressed.

Guinea pigs are also very easily stressed, and even small changes in their environment can cause them to start twitching. If you've recently changed anything in your guinea pig's cage or routine, this could be the cause of the twitching.

4. They have a medical condition.

If your baby guinea pig is twitching and you can't identify any other cause, it's possible that they may have a medical condition. If you're concerned about your guinea pig's health, take them to a veterinarian for a checkup.

Here are some additional tips for preventing twitching in baby guinea pigs:

* Keep them in a warm and draft-free environment.

* Feed them a healthy diet and make sure they have access to fresh water at all times.

* Minimize stress by providing them with a quiet and predictable environment.

* Avoid handling them too much, especially when they're very young.

If you're concerned about your baby guinea pig's twitching, it's always best to consult with a veterinarian.