How do you stop two budgies from fighting?

1. Separate the birds. If the birds are fighting, the first thing you need to do is separate them. This will help to stop the fight and give them a chance to calm down.

2. Identify the cause of the fight. Once the birds are separated, you need to try to identify the cause of the fight. This could be due to a number of things, such as overcrowding, lack of food or water, or a territorial dispute.

3. Address the cause of the fight. Once you have identified the cause of the fight, you need to take steps to address it. This could mean providing more space for the birds, increasing the amount of food and water available, or rearranging the cage to eliminate territorial disputes.

4. Introduce the birds back together slowly. Once you have addressed the cause of the fight, you can start to introduce the birds back together slowly. This should be done in a neutral territory, such as a new cage. Keep an eye on the birds and be prepared to separate them again if they start to fight.

5. Provide plenty of enrichment. Budgies are intelligent birds and they need plenty of enrichment to keep them entertained and stimulated. This can help to reduce boredom and aggression, which can lead to fighting.

6. Be patient. It may take some time for the birds to get used to each other again and to stop fighting. Be patient and consistent with your efforts, and eventually the birds should be able to live together peacefully.