How do you know when a guinea pig wants to play?

Signs a Guinea Pig Wants to Play:

- Popcorning: This is when a guinea pig jumps straight up in the air, sometimes twisting their body. This is a sign of excitement and happiness.

- Wheeking: Guinea pigs make a high-pitched noise called a "wheek" to communicate with each other. When they wheek while running around or jumping, they are likely trying to get your attention.

- Running and chasing: If your guinea pig is running around the cage or chasing you or each other, they are probably feeling playful.

- Climbing and exploring: Guinea pigs love to climb and explore their surroundings. If they are actively climbing on toys, the cage, or you, they are likely feeling playful.

- Circling: When your guinea pig starts walking around you, the other pig, or your feet in a circle, this could mean they are in a good mood and ready for some interaction.

- Nose nudging: If they come up to you and begin nudging your hand with their nose, or even gently chewing, this is a sign they want to play.

- Brushing: If they approach your hand or leg, and start rubbing their head against it, they are likely trying to get your attention and initiate a play session.

If your guinea pig is showing any of these signs, it's a good idea to engage in some play with them. This will help keep them happy, healthy, and stimulated.