How Do Hamsters Live in Their Habitat?

Hamsters are available in many varieties and have different characteristics. Many hamsters love being social while others do not. However, aside from their differences, the typical hamster loves a dry, dim and clean habitat where he can play, breed and seclude himself to rest.
  1. Groups

    • Hamsters live in pairs and like to communicate with other hamsters. Therefore, they should stick together and have plenty of space. However, some hamsters, such as the Syrian hamster, enjoy being alone. Hamsters of the opposite sex should also be kept in separate habitats.

    Habitat Features

    • Hamsters are able to live in their habitats comfortably when owners provide their hamsters with hide houses for closure, for when they feel like being secluded from the other hamsters. If the hamsters are ready for playtime, they can run on their exercise wheel or chew on healthy snacks. Hamsters also need water, plenty of food to munch on and toys.


    • Similar to humans, hamsters also need certain temperature conditions to live comfortably in their habitat. You should place hamsters in a cool habitat with low humidity. Do not place hamsters in areas that have direct sunlight. Hamsters are less active when the temperature dips below 60ºF, according to the Pet Education website.


    • Hamsters need soft bedding to sleep well in their habitats. The habitat bedding can be pines, aspen or recycled paper. As an owner, you should change their bedding every month. You should also choose a day to spot-clean their bedding area once a week.