How to Care for a Siberian Dwarf Hamster

Siberian dwarf hamsters originated in Siberia and Kazakhstan. Because of the brutal weather in these two countries, the Siberian dwarf hamster has evolved to cope with the extreme temperatures and predators that they encounter. This is one of the only breeds to have the capabilities to change the color of their coats. Their coats respond to sunlight and its varying degrees of exposure. Caring for a Siberian dwarf hamster is quite simple because of their hearty nature.

Things You'll Need

  • Hamster cage
  • Water bottle
  • Food bowl
  • Packaged hamster food
  • Fresh fruit
  • Newspaper
  • Wood shavings (optional)
  • Cardboard box or hamster house
  • Exercise wheel (optional)
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      Set up the cage. You need to line the cage with newspaper to make clean up easier. If you do not want to put wood shavings in the cage to give the Siberian dwarf hamster something to rummage through, that is fine, but they will tear up the newspaper. Install the exercise wheel if you want to give your hamster some activities. Attach the water bottle to the outside of the cage and place the food bowl inside. Turn a small cardboard box upside down and cut a small hole in one side to act as a little house for the hamster.

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      Feed the hamster. You should fill the food bowl with enough food for one or two days. Use packaged hamster food that has plenty of seeds and dried fruit. Cut up pieces of fresh fruit for your hamster and place it in the cage, but remove it from the cage after 24 hours to avoid digestion problems.

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      Play with your hamster every day by gently holding the hamster and letting it crawl around. You can purchase an enclosed ball to put them in to let them run around the house if you desire. This hamster is one of the tamer hamster breeds, so they are not a biting type, but they will bite if they feel threatened or if they are harmed.

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      Raise more than one Siberian dwarf hamster. This is a very social creature and they like to have playmates and mates. Just make sure you watch them for a few weeks before putting them in the same cage because if they mate, the good and bad traits will come out in the offspring.