How to Tame a Common Hamster

Hamsters can be engaging pets, providing companionship and entertainment for people of all ages. Given the proper care and attention by their owners, hamsters can become very tame and friendly to the point where they will perk up when a human enters the room and make it known that they would like to be handled. The keys to hand-taming a hamster are consistency and patience.

Things You'll Need

  • Hamster treats
  • Hamster exercise ball
  • Hamster cage/habitat
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      Determine the age and breed of the hamster you are hoping to tame. Younger hamsters are sometimes easier to bond with quickly, and Syrian hamsters are typically more interested in interacting with their owners than the many dwarf hamster varieties. Knowing about these differences will ensure that you don't become discouraged if taming takes a little longer than you were expecting.

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      Offer the hamster some treats from your hand while it is still in its habitat. This will get the hamster accustomed to your smell and to the idea that the presence of your hand signifies some sort of reward rather than a threat. Once the hamster is comfortable taking treats from your fingers, you can place some treats in your palm, prompting the critter to step into your hand to retrieve the reward.

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      An exercise ball can be useful when attempting to tame a hamster.

      Use your hamster's exercise ball as a tool in the hand-taming process. For example, you can let the hamster climb into the ball on its own, but when playtime is over, you can hold your hand, palm facing up at the edge of the open ball, creating a bridge between the ball and the habitat's floor that the hamster will have to cross.

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      Restrict your attempts at taming your hamster and all other interactions to the evening hours when the nocturnal rodent is awake. According to Hammy's World, the best time to start taming is shortly after the hamster awakens, when you can scoop the animal up in both hands and urge it to walk from one hand to the other.

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      Handle the hamster daily to ensure that it remains tame and accustomed to interacting with you. This will not only establish a deeper bond between pet and owner but will also ensure the proper health of the animal.