How to Make a Hamster People Friendly

When you first bring home your pet hamster, chances are your furry pal will be quite skittish and nervous. This is only natural as it is getting used to the sounds and smells of its new environment. Don't be discouraged if your hamster does not seem interested in people for the first week or so --- it is very important to give the hamster time to adjust to its new home. It's best to try to earn the hamster's trust slowly. Training your hamster to enjoy the company of people is a relatively easy process as long as you are calm and respectful when handling your pet.

Things You'll Need

  • Hamster treats
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    • 1

      Leave the hamster alone in its cage for the first three days and resist the urge to take it out to play. Only bother the hamster when you are changing its water and food or cleaning its cage. Your pet will need a few days just to calm down from being moved from its previous home. Keep the cage in a low-traffic area where the hamster will not experience additional stress.

    • 2

      Hold out a treat to the hamster through the bars in the cage. When your hamster has settled into its new home, you can begin training it to trust people. Let the hamster smell you when it takes the treat from your fingers.

    • 3

      Open the door of the cage and offer the hamster treats by holding them between your thumb and forefinger. When the hamster will comfortably take treats through the bars, open the cage door and put your hand into the cage to hand-feed it.

    • 4

      Place a treat in the palm of your hand and offer it to the hamster through the door of the cage. By this point, your hamster should feel comfortable enough to climb onto your hand to get a tasty treat. Your hamster will associate humans with good things like treats at this point.

    • 5

      When the hamster comfortably climbs onto your hand, bring it out to play for the first time. Place the hamster on the floor so that you don't accidentally drop it. Sit or lay down on the floor with the hamster and allow it to explore your clothes and get used to your scent.

    • 6

      Continue play sessions with your hamster until he is completely comfortable being handled. Always treat your pet with respect and be very gentle. Provide the hamster with lots of treats so that it continues to consider being handled by people a good thing.