How to Identify a Hamster That Has Given Birth

Pet hamsters are most often Syrian, Chinese, Dwarf or Roborovski breeds. All of these hamsters have very short breeding cycles and become pregnant easily. Female hamsters have a shorter distance between their bottoms and their genitals and also have nipples where males don't. Once you have determined your hamster if female, it can be difficult to tell if she has ever given birth by looking at her genital area. There are a few signs that can point you in the right direction.

Things You'll Need

  • Hamster
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      Look for a nest in the cage made from wood chips and tissue. If you find a nest and it's full of small, pink babies, she has given birth. Hamster's don't look pregnant until right before they give birth, so many people have been surprised with a nest full of babies in their cage.

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      Check for nesting activity in your hamster. If she is getting fat quickly in her abdomen and is hoarding food and nest materials, she will probably give birth within a week. She will also become more aggressive and spend a lot of time eating. Hamsters go into heat every four days and are fertile immediately after giving birth (gestation lasts approximately 15 days), so they are able to mate frequently.

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      Figure out the age of your hamster by taking her to the vet if you don't already know. Signs of aging include aggression toward other hamsters, hair thinning, gray hair, greasy coat, breathing difficulty and weight loss. If she is older than 12 to 14 months, she is probably sterile and not able to give birth. If she has ever been in a cage with a male, there is a good chance she has had babies. Female hamsters are able to reproduce by 6 weeks of age.