How to Tell a Hamster's Age

Hamsters are inquisitive and playful, and they form close bonds with their owners. Most owners are not present when their pet hamster is born, but a few simple observations can provide a clue to the hamster's age. This can help in selecting a new pet since hamsters have a relatively short lifespan of 2 to 3 years.

Things You'll Need

  • Magnifying glass
  • Exercise ball for hamsters
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      Observe the hamster's activity level. If the hamster is highly active and running around quickly in an exercise ball or wheel, chances are it is less than 1 year old. Similar to humans, hamsters slow down as they age. According to Hamsters as Pets, older hamsters may develop painful joints as they age, making movement more difficult and discouraging them from partaking in activities that they enjoyed when they were younger.

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      Examine the hamster's physical appearance, paying special attention to its coat and skin. Younger hamsters have clean, shiny coats, but as hamsters age, their hair can appear unkempt or matted, according to the Hammy's World site. A "reduction in the production of the natural moisturizer (sebum)" can result in dry, flaking skin that actually may thicken as age progresses.

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      Perform routine body checks on your hamster to see if it has any unusual lumps, bumps or broken teeth. Again, as with humans, elderly hamsters become more prone to disease, including liver and kidney problems, tumors, dental problems and gradual loss of eyesight due to cataracts. If you feel or see anything that you have not noticed before, seek care from a veterinarian that specializes in exotic pets such as rodents.