How to Make a Hamster Maze

Hamsters are popular pets because they are small and easy to care for. It does not take much to keep hamsters entertained for long periods of time. Like many other pets, hamsters need exercise to stay healthy, so mazes are a perfect way to get them the exercise that they need and they will have fun while doing it! You will also enjoy watching your hamster try to find his way out of the maze.

Things You'll Need

  • Box
  • Pieces of cardboard
  • Box knife
  • Marker
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  1. How to Build the Maze

    • 1

      Using your marker, draw the maze you want to construct on the inside bottom of your cardboard box.

    • 2

      Using your box cutter, cut the lines of your maze into slits. Make slits only on the lines that you drew for your maze.

    • 3

      Use pieces of cardboard that are high enough to where your hamster cannot see over the top. Cut the cardboard pieces to the desired length.

    • 4

      Take the edges of your cardboard and slip them inside of the slits that you made with your box cutter.

    • 5

      Place a couple of hamster treats throughout the maze to keep your hamster happy.

    • 6

      Put your hamsters inside of the maze and watch them try to find their way out!