How to Know a Hamster's Gender

Determining hamster gender isn't always an easy task. Even some pet store owners struggle to correctly identify the girls from the boys. Once home, owners may find their fuzzy friend Steve is actually a Susie when they wake to eight tiny hairless baby hamsters. Avoid unwanted litters by careful sexing your pet hamsters to determine gender.

Things You'll Need

  • Transparent container (optional)
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  1. Instructions

    • 1

      Place the hamster gently in your hand and carefully flip it onto its back. The hamster will likely struggle. Hold the hamster as still as possible in one hand while spreading the rear legs apart with the fingers on your opposite hand.

    • 2

      Look between the rear legs for two bumps; either anus and penis or anus and vagina. In males the bumps will appear further apart, in females closer together. In males the penis (the higher bump) will protrude outward where in the female it will not.

    • 3

      Look for testicles just under the tail in mature male hamsters and rows of pink nipples in female hamster to confirm gender.

    • 4

      Check gender again in four weeks to be certain, as in young hamsters it can be difficult to identify gender correctly.