How to Locate a Lost Hamster

Similar to most rodents, hamsters are able to squeeze in and out of very small spaces, earning them the reputation of being masterful escape artists. Even what appears to be a highly secure cage can often prove to be no match for an intelligent and particularly dexterous hamster. Finding a lost hamster can be a daunting task for a distressed owner, but locating the critter quickly before harm or complete escape from a residence occurs is crucial.

Things You'll Need

  • Hamster cage
  • Commercial hamster food
  • Sunflower/pumpkin seeds
  • Cornstarch
  • Flashlight
  • Newspaper
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      Conduct a thorough search of your entire living area during daylight hours, starting at floor level. The room where the hamster's cage is located should be checked first. Pay special attention to small areas that could offer a comfortable hiding spot for your hamster.

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      Check inside all of the boxes, bags, shoes or plastic containers that you have. Hamsters are natural chewers, capable of making holes in most materials. Due to its nocturnal predisposition, your hamster will be looking for a place to sleep during the daytime, and you just might be surprised to find him or her curled up in one of these areas.

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      Plan a nighttime strategy. Your hamster will be most active during the evening hours so if your search runs past dark create a plan that might enable you to hear or track your pet. For example, the Small Animal Channel recommends placing newspapers on the floor in each room and dropping a small pile of food on the papers to lure your hamster out of hiding. Sunflower or pumpkin seeds are enjoyed by most hamsters. Additionally, moist foods such as carrots or lettuce might be appealing to a thirsty hamster. If you hear any noise during the night, grab a flashlight and take a look.

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      Sprinkle some cornstarch on the floor next to the food pile. If your hamster forages for food while you are sleeping, the tiny white footprints left behind will help you determine where he or she was most active.

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      Place your hamster's cage on the floor with the door open. The scent of its familiar habitat may entice the critter to go home on its own.