Hamster Toys for Kids

Hamsters are pets for children and adults. However, when buying toys to keep hamsters occupied and happy, child safety must be a part of the decision. Remember, children don't play with the hamster toys, but they should be able to interact with the hamster as it's playing with its new toy.
  1. Habitrail Ovo Tree House Cardboard Hamster Maze

    • This easy to assemble tree house is safe for children to handle because it has no toxic paints or sharp edges. Essentially being an enormous chew toy, the hamster is free to roam about in its own tree house while nibbling and chewing at the walls as it looks for treats and food. There are precut slots built in that hold treats and food.

    Super Pet Run-About Hamtrac

    • Think of it as a racetrack for hamsters. Instead of cars, though, it uses a hamster ball. Being easy to assemble and reassemble, children can enjoy building and watching hamsters navigate the track. While the hamster gets its exercise, children can improve fine motor skills and interact with their pet. The Hamtrac eliminates worry about their children being bitten by a hamster. The ball's wall separates the hamster and the child.

    Super Pet Puzzle Playground

    • The playground is another way for children to interact with hamsters. Brightly colored and easy to clean, the playground allows hamsters to exercise without having to listen to a squeaky, old wheel.

      The playground's pieces easily snap together to form different of mazes. With 60 pieces, designing new playgrounds taps into a child's imagination and thinking skills.

    Super Pet Toy Critter Cruiser Car

    • This critter cruiser is like a toy car meeting a hamster ball. Available in different colors, the critter car keeps the hamster away from children's hands, so they can't be bitten, and cruising around the floors in style. As the hamster rotates the ball part of the critter cruiser, the wheels move the car around the house. A setting allows the car to remain stationary while the hamster in the ball spins.