How to Tell If a Female Fancy Hamster Is Pregnant

It can be difficult to tell when a fancy hamster is pregnant. The gestation period is only 15 to 16 days and the mother's stomach may not swell until just before she gives birth. Thus, knowing the behavioral clues to her pregnancy will allow you to prepare for the babies and care for her during the gestation period.


    • 1
      Watch for the signs of "nesting."

      Look for nesting behavior. When a fancy hamster becomes pregnant she will start preparing her nest by cleaning it and adding extra cushioning and chips. When you notice this behavior, make sure you clean the rest of the cage so it's ready for the babies' arrival.

    • 2
      If your hamster becomes territorial and aggressive, she may be pregnant.

      Notice if she becomes aggressive. Just before she gives birth the hamster will become restless and even aggressive. She might attack male hamsters in the cage. There is good reason for this as male hamsters are known to eat their young. Remove them from the cage.

    • 3
      A pregnant hamster will hoard food for the babies' arrival.

      Monitor her eating habits. The fancy hamster will start hoarding food and hiding it in her nest. She will also eat and drink more when she is pregnant.

    • 4
      A hamster will put on weight rapidly just before she gives birth.

      Check her stomach and rear for swelling. Her rear should swell, though this may not be perceptible until the last couple of days before birth. Make sure you don't touch her or pick her up at this time. She may also expel some blood, but don't be alarmed; this is normal.