Things You'll Need
- 10 gallon tank
- Bedding
- Food dish
- Water bottle
- Hamster food
- Water
- Hamster exercise wheel
- Hamster house
- Toys
Set 10 gallon aquarium tank in a quiet location away from direct sunlight, cold drafts and heaters.
Put 2 inches of shredded paper, aspen shavings or pellet bedding on the bottom of the tank.
Place hamster wheel into aquarium, making sure it is stable and spins easily.
Attach water bottle to tank using suction cups or hanger.
Pour food into ceramic dish and place on the bottom of the tank.
Place a hamster hideout or house for the dwarf hamster to sleep in.
Put toys and chewing sticks in the aquarium to entertain the hamster.
Securely attach wire-mesh cover on top of the tank.
Clean the entire habitat weekly using hot water and mild soap.
Feed the dwarf hamster a high-quality food containing grains, corn, seeds and pellets.
Supplement dry hamster mix with fresh foods such as carrots, apples and spinach.
Ensure that food is available at all times because dwarf hamsters are hoarders that store up food.
Make sure that fresh water is available at all times.
Remove any uneaten food from the cage before it spoils.
Begin socializing the male hamster by handing him treats through the cage.
Start picking up the hamster when he has become comfortable with hand feeding.
Hold the hamster for short periods of time.
Let the hamster play in a supervised, enclosed area once he is comfortable with being held for a moderate length of time.