How to Feed & Care for Hamsters

Hamsters are a small species of rodent commonly kept as pets. Hamsters may seem self-sufficient and content in their cages, but they require as much careful owner attention as larger pets to ensure long, healthy lives. Because of their small size, limited space requirements, and relatively docile disposition, hamsters are especially popular among families with children to teach responsibility and proper pet care. Mastering a few simple steps will allow you to maintain a healthy, happy hamster.

Things You'll Need

  • Cage
  • Straw or wood-shaving bedding
  • Rodent pellets
  • Food dish
  • Fresh fruit and vegetables
  • Water bottle
  • Exercise wheel and toys
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  1. Maintaining Housing

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      Place the cage on a flat surface in a cool part of your house, out of direct sunlight.

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      Cover the bottom of the cage with about an inch of wood shavings or straw bedding.

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      Place an exercise wheel in a corner of the cage and secure it to the cage walls.

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      Attach a water bottle to the side of cage. The bottle tip should be as low as necessary for hamster to easily drink without stretching or straining.

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      Clean the cage once weekly. Wash the cage, food dish and water bottle with antibacterial soap and replace the bedding with fresh wood chips.

    Feeding and Exercising

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      Fill the food bowl with rodent food pellets and change once a day. Different brands of hamster feed contain different levels of nutrients, so consult the product packaging for serving suggestions.

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      Vary the hamster's diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, like apples and carrots.

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      Plastic balls allow hamsters to explore the world outside their cage without the risk of being lost or accidentally injured.

      Use exercise toys to keep the hamster fit. Products like hamster balls keep the pets in an enclosed space while allowing them to run and play outside their cage.

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      Change the water every other day.