Can Hamsters Eat Timothy Hay?

Hamsters are cute little creatures that can be a good pet. Like any pet, you need to know how to properly care for it and part of that is knowing what to feed it.
  1. Basic Diet

    • Hamster's main food source should be a basic hamster mix. These contain pellets, seeds, corn and grains which provide the basic nutrients that any healthy hamster needs. These mixes can be found at your local pet store.

    Food Supplements

    • In addition to a hamster mix, every few days feed your hamster some fresh foods. Hamsters enjoy spinach, lettuce, carrots and apples. Grains, nuts and seeds are also good, but in limited amounts. By feeding your hamster fresh foods every few days, you ensure they maintain a healthy diet.


    • You can feed your hamster hay along with their hamster mix and fresh foods. It should not be the basis of their diet, but it is a safe source of nutrients. Because hamsters like to dig, hay is not only a food source, but also a great bedding.