Types of Hamsters Available at Petsmart

PetSmart stores sell a variety of hamsters at most of their store locations, and knowing which species is right for you can be crucial to proper pet ownership. While PetSmart does offer care sheets on each hamster type in the store, learning about your new rodent before you bring it home is the best way to ensure that you not only select the best hamster for your situation, but that your new furry friend gets all the proper care and nutrition it needs.
  1. Russian Dwarf Hamster

    • Russian dwarf hamsters are naturally a sandy brown color with a white underside, but PetSmart frequently carries the "fancy" version of the hamster, which can be one of many colors. Black, white, golden, and spotted variations are all available, depending on the store location and what local breeders have available. No matter the color, Russian dwarfs are all 3-4 inches long with furry feet, and do well in same-sex social groups if raised together. If handled gently and frequently, they tame well, but have been known to nip when irritated. Learning your hamster's individual behaviors and moods is the best way to avoid being bitten.

    Robo Dwarf Hamster

    • Robo hamsters are the smallest hamsters available at PetSmart, and indeed the smallest of all dwarf hamster species. They are light brown with a darker dorsal stripe and a white underbelly. They also have characteristic white "eyebrows" which add to their playful and mischievous appearance. Robo hamsters are best for those who would like to watch rather than interact with their pets. They are very fast and do not generally like handling, making them a poor choice for children. Robo hamsters should be kept in small groups of their same gender, in relatively large cages with lots of toys.

    Winter White Hamster

    • Winter white hamsters are named because of the species' tendency to change their coat from gray to white in the wild. In captivity, their color may change based on the length of daylight they are exposed to, or they may stay any shade of white, gray, or in-between for their whole lives. They can be very friendly and social, and with regular handling are less likely to nip than Russian dwarf hamsters. The winter white hamster is generally about 4 inches long, with a very short tail.

    Chinese Hamster

    • The Chinese hamster is slightly larger than other hamster varieties available at PetSmart, and can be distinguished by its tail, which is noticeably longer than other hamsters. Chinese hamsters are mousey gray in color with a dark dorsal stripe down their back. They tend to be flighty in nature, and are much better jumpers and climbers than other dwarf hamsters, using their longer tail for balance. They can be kept in small, same-sex social groups as well.