How to Train Hamsters Not to Bite

Hamsters can make great household pets as they are entertaining and require minimal care. Hamsters are especially good as a first-time pet for small children. Training them is relatively easy, and almost all hamsters can be taught not to bite by following a few steps.


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      Allow your new hamster to settle in for a few days before handling it. It needs time to adapt to its new environment before it will feel secure enough for people to handle it.

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      Watch for any signs of agitation before handling your hamster. If it hisses at you or is acting aggressively, let it calm down before you try to pick it up.

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      Wash your hands thoroughly to eliminate any food scents before handling your hamster. If your hamster smells food on your hands, it may mistake the fleshy part of your hand as food and bite you.

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      Remember that you are much bigger than your hamster, and this can be frightening for a small animal. Pick your hamster up gently, and remain calm when you're handling it.

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      Tightly cup one hand, and hold your hamster in that hand while you stroke it gently with your other hand.

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      Reward your hamster with a treat such as popcorn after you have handled it and it has not bitten you. This will reinforce positive behavior in your pet.