How to Heal a Hamster's Eye Infection?

Eye infections are quite common with hamsters. The signs include cloudy, sticky or runny eyes. The causes for these conditions can range from a piece of dust in the eye to old age. There are a few simple remedies to try before whisking your furry friend off to the vet for an expensive office visit. Human eye lubricant or a solution of boric powder and water could do the trick. However, if the ailment does not improve within a few days, it is time to get your hamster professional care.

Things You'll Need

  • Boric acid powder
  • Eye dropper
  • Sterile cloth or Cotton wool
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  1. Instructions

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      Boil water to distill it. Mix half a teaspoon of boric acid powder into half a cup of the sterile water. Be sure the water has cooled to room temperature before using it on your hamster.

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      Fill an eyedropper with the solution. Wet a lukewarm, clean towel and place it on the infected eye. Hold it there for a few moments to soften up any sticky residue.

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      Gently open your hamster's eye, using your forefinger and thumb. If the eye still will not stay open, dampen the towel and hold it over the eye again. Apply the eye drops. Three or four will suffice for now. Press the warm towel to his eye to help the drops seep into the eye and surrounding fur. Repeat these steps if necessary.

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      Bathe the eye two or three time a day using the dropper. Watch for any changes in his behavior. If your hamster is not eating or drinking it may be an indication of a more serious condition and time to get him to the vet.