Dwarf Hamster Behavior

Dwarf hamsters are cute and easy to care for, making them good pets. Like all animals, their behavior is often a good indication of how they're feeling and what they want or need.
  1. Scent

    • Dwarf hamsters don't have very good eyesight. They use their sense of smell to locate things such as nests or marked territory.


    • Dwarf hamsters don't vocalize very often so when they do it's usually something critical and immediately important. Vocalization is typically associated with fear or feeling threatened, though they may also "speak" when threatening others, as well.


    • When a dwarf hamster is in a good mood and isn't tired, it will play. A playful hamster is an indication of a happy hamster.


    • A curious dwarf hamster may sit on his back legs and sniff the air while looking around. He'll hold his front paws to his belly with his toes facing down when relaxed and curious.

    On the Attack

    • When a dwarf hamster gets defensive, he may tilt his ears back and begin "barking" or hissing. He will bite if he's threatened enough so don't mess with a dwarf hamster in a defensive position.