Facts Concerning Teddy Bear Hamsters

The teddy bear hamster is a long-haired breed of the Syrian hamster and are incredibly popular and easy to find in pet shops. Along with being a friendly, active pet, teddy bear hamsters are easy to care for.
  1. Size

    • Teddy bear hamsters grow to be between 5 to 6 inches long as adults.


    • If properly cared for, a teddy bear hamster's lifespan can be as long as two to three years.


    • Teddy bear hamsters eat a diet of grains, fruits and vegetables. A teddy bear hamster should be fed daily, keeping its water supply fresh and removing any uneaten fruits and vegetables from the previous day. All hamsters need a piece of wood or a synthetic hamster chew to gnaw on to keep their teeth in size, as their incisors grow perpetually and need to be maintained


    • Teddy bear hamsters, like most hamsters, are nocturnal. This means they tend to be more active at night. To avoid your hamster keeping you up at night, get a silent running wheel.


    • Teddy bear hamsters are generally friendly, passive, active animals, though they may bite or nip you if startled or afraid.


    • Hamsters need bedding which must be changed routinely and shouldn't be bathed under any circumstances, as they're self-grooming. Adult teddy bear hamsters should also be kept separated from one another, as they may fight or reproduce.