Dwarf Roborovski Hamster Information & Care

Dwarf Roborovski hamsters are great, low-maintenance pets for most age groups. These hamsters are the smallest of the dwarf breed and because they can be difficult to handle due to their size, they might not be suitable for small children, according to the Roborovski Hamsters website. However, these hamsters are very active and it can be enjoyable to watch them in their environment. Roborovski hamsters are social and do well living alone or in pairs.
  1. Roborovski Hamster History

    • Roborovski hamsters are originally from Mongolia and northern China, where they live in burrows and tunnels under the sand. These hamsters are well adapted to their desert environment, and can survive on very little water if necessary. They can adapt to cold but are sensitive to heat. For this reason, Roborovskis are most active in the evening and at dawn, according to Roborovski Hamsters.

    Choosing a Hamster

    • Make sure you can make a commitment of two to four years, the average dwarf hamster lifespan. Choose a pet store where the hamsters are separated by sex and have access to clean water and food. These hamsters will do best with older children, as they can be too fast-moving and small for young children.

      A healthy Roborovski should look lively and curious with thick, clean fur. The eyes should be clear with no cloudiness or discharge, and the ears should be clean and free of tears and redness.


    • The least expensive option for a cage is a glass aquarium. Do not put it in full sunlight, as temperatures can rise quickly. Cover the aquarium with a mesh lid for safety, but never use a solid lid. Plastic aquariums are similar to glass cages, but are lighter and easier to transport. Plastic dwarf hamster cages can be the most expensive option, but they offer tubes for the hamster to explore.

      Roborovskis enjoy exercising on miniature hamster wheels that can be purchased at your pet store. Purchase a solid wheel rather than a wire one, on which the hamster could injure itself, according to the Petite Paws Exotics website.


    • Bedding should be changed once every two weeks. Wood shavings are the cheapest option and are absorbent and store heat. Hemp-based bedding is also inexpensive; it is dust-free and absorbent and can last longer than wood shavings. Barley straw is midpriced, dust-free and treated with odor reducers. The most expensive option is paper-based bedding, which is very absorbent and dust-free with good odor control.

      Do not use cat litter, scented beddings, compressed straw or pine or cedar bedding. These can be too dusty, sharp or otherwise dangerous for the hamster.

    Food and Water

    • Roborovski hamsters enjoy eating small pieces of strawberry.

      A Roborovski hamster's main diet should include "muesli," according to the Roborovski hamster website. This can be purchased at pet stores and includes dried fruit, nuts and cereals. The dry-food dish should be refilled every day.

      Roborovskis enjoy fruits and vegetables, as long as they are only given a small amount at one time. They can eat most fruit, including small pieces of apples, strawberries and melon. They also enjoy vegetables such as celery, carrots, peas and spinach. Avoid almonds, chocolate, raw potatoes, grape seeds, citrus fruits, watermelon, tomato leaves, garlic, spices, onions and pickles.

      Purchase a water dispenser that hangs off the side of any hamster cage, and change the supply daily with fresh water.

    Health Issues

    • Robo hamsters can get diarrhea if they eat too many fruits or vegetables, have dirty drinking water or a sudden change in food. If you notice diarrhea, try feeding dry bread, and change the nesting and toilet area twice a day until symptoms improve. Femove any uneaten or stored fruits or vegetables within a few hours to prevent spoilage.

      Mites can cause excess scratching and bald patches. Sterilize the entire cage with an anti-mite spray for small animals, and provide fresh bedding. While covering the hamster's eyes and head, apply the anti-mite spray so it comes in contact with the skin. Repeat once a week until symptoms disappear, Roborovski Hamsters advises.