How to Care for a Sick Teddy Bear Hamster

Hamsters are small nocturnal animals that haven't come far from their wild ancestors. Because of this, they hide their illness for as long as possible. By the time an owner realizes their pet hamster is sick, prompt veterinary care is necessary to insure survival of the tiny creature. But before the hamster can be seen by a vet, there are things an owner can do to help.

Things You'll Need

  • Fresh water
  • Clean fresh fruits
  • Clean fresh vegetables
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      Move your hamster to a dark, quiet room, away from any other animals. Too much activity can cause your hamster to become stressed, furthering his illness.

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      Sterilize your hamster's cage. All of his toys, bedding, or dishes should be cleaned and sterilized to kill any germs your sick hamster has left behind. Any old food should be thrown away, and water should be changed.

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      Provide your hamster with fresh water, and seedless fruits and vegetables. Do not eliminate his usual diet, just include some extra fruits and vegetables to encourage your hamster to eat. The fruit will also be helpful in keeping your hamster from becoming dehydrated.

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      Write down all symptoms and odd behaviors your hamster exhibits. Keep record of what he eats, how often he drinks, and if he has any unusual bowel movements. All these records will help your vet when you bring your hamster in.