How to Tell if My Teddy Bear Hamster Is Pregnant

Teddy bear hamsters are a very popular variety of Syrian hamster. Like most hamsters, they are very easy to breed, but it can be difficult to tell if your female is pregnant, and the gestation period is so short that owners are sometimes surprised when their pet suddenly gives birth. There are a few things to look out for, but if you don't know them, you'll likely be caught off guard.


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      Know when your female is in season. Once you know that, it's a lot easier to know if you should expect a pregnancy. Hamsters stay in season for about 18 hours, and they go in season every four days. They emit a musky smell when they go into heat, but there are a couple of other things to look for. There is a white discharge that is released from the vulva at the end of their estrus period. You can use that as a guide because they will typically go into heat three days after that discharge. It's especially easy to tell if a Syrian hamster is in season because that is the only time when a female will accept the male's presence without fighting. If you put your male in the cage, and a lot of aggression ensues, you can be fairly certain that she is not in season.

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      After the breeding cycle is over, wait four days, and try putting the male in again. If she is not receptive to his presence, you can probably assume that she is pregnant.

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      A pregnant hamster will also start eating more, putting on weight, and they will often spend time gathering nesting materials, or storing food for later use. The pregnancy period lasts for approximately 16 days, and you will probably see all these signs during that time if you're looking for them.

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      As a final sign, right before they give birth, a hamster's breathing rate will increase by about 50 percent and they may become restless.