How to Train Dwarf Hamsters

Dwarf hamsters are often known for being vicious biters, but this doesn't have to be the case. With proper training and handling, it is possible get your hamster accustomed to you and others, which will likely eliminate its desire to bite. In addition, it is also possible to potty-train your hamster, which makes cage-cleaning easier and less messy.

Things You'll Need

  • Empty toilet paper tube
  • Treats
  • Lidless glass jar
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  1. Training to be Held

    • 1

      Hold your hamster often to get it used to you. It may be difficult to grab your hamster if it is timid; get a little help from an empty toilet paper tube.

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      Place the tube in front of the hamster and scoop it up. Hold your hand over the opening to prevent it from jumping out.

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      Speak in a calm and soothing voice and carefully empty the hamster out onto your hand. Gently wrap your fingers around it.

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      Pet your hamster gently and speak to it softly. Offer it a treat to relax it and make it more comfortable. Repeat this process for a few days to gain the hamster's trust. The more the hamster is familiar with you, the more it will become familiar with others.


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      Place a lidless glass or plastic jar in the corner of your hamster's cage. Choose a vessel that is large enough for the hamster to walk in and turn around.

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      Place some of the hamster's droppings inside the jar. Doing so will show the hamster that its waste belongs inside the jar, not in the cage.

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      Place your hamster in front of the jar so that it knows where it is. Give your hamster treats whenever it eliminates in the jar to reward it for doing so.