How Do I Know If My Russian Dwarf Hamster Is Pregnant?

As the name suggests, Russian dwarf hamsters are small rodents that originated in Russia and surrounding Asian regions. Like many other rodents, Russian dwarf hamsters reproduce quickly and often if they get the chance. If you put male and female hamsters in the same cage, there is a good chance they will mate shortly afterward, which generally results in pregnancy. According to, a website that offers advice from veterinarians, if you think your hamster may be pregnant, there are few clues to help you determine if baby hamsters are on the way.


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      Examine the hamster's cage for a nest. Pregnant hamsters make small nests for a place to settle when they give birth. They may also store food in the nest, as they need to remain there for a brief time after giving birth.

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      Watch the hamster's behavior. Hamsters tend to be more active than usual while pregnant, and at times may become more aggressive.

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      Check to see if the hamster has gained weight. Keep in mind that weight gain generally is not noticeable until a few days before the hamster gives birth.

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      Feel the hamster's abdomen. A pregnant hamster's abdomen may feel more firm and swollen than a non-pregnant hamster. The nipples may also appear puffy and swollen.