Things You'll Need
- 1/4-inch glass pane
- Glass cutter
- T-square or rafter angle square
- Grindstone
- Work gloves
- Small level
- Masking tape
- X-Acto knife
- Silicone aquarium sealant
- Wood shavings
Measure the dimensions of your hamster aquarium if you do not already know them. This will tell you the largest a shelf can be. Design shelves that you'll secure to at least two sides of your hamster aquarium for increased stability. Triangular shelves are a good idea, because they don't take up much room and are easier to install in corners than rectangular shelves.
Use a glass cutter to cut your 1/4-inch glass pane to the right dimensions. Place a T-square on the glass if you're making a rectangular shelf, or a rafter angle square if you're making a triangular shelf. Line up the square so that you can make a clean, straight cut to the precise dimensions you want. If you're unsure about your calculations, it's better to err toward a smaller shelf than a larger one that won't fit in the aquarium.
Put on work gloves and break the glass along the cut. Grab the glass on each side of the cut and bend it slowly until the glass breaks. Smooth down any rough edges by working the glass against a grindstone.
Have an assistant hold a level against the interior wall of the hamster aquarium where you want to install the shelf. Mark off a level line by laying a strip of masking tape across the aquarium along each wall to which the shelf will be secured. Use an X-Acto knife to cut a notch into any silicone strips that hold the aquarium's glass sides together so that the glass shelf can square up to the corners.
Seal the shelf to the aquarium. Apply rubbing alcohol to the glass if your silicone aquarium sealant requires it. Apply a thin bead of sealant to the glass along each 1/4-inch side that will secure to the hamster aquarium walls. Hold the shelf against the side of the hamster aquarium for at least five minutes. Use the masking tape guidelines and notch cuts in the corners to line up the shelf properly.
Add wood shavings to the shelf to create a comfortable environment for your hamster. Provide equipment that your hamster can use as a ramp to get from the aquarium floor to the shelf. You can find these pieces at most pet stores.