How to Take Care of Sick Hamsters

Hamsters are hardy, easy-to-care for pets. However, their small size, means that illness or injury can become serious very quickly. The most common signs of problems include lethargy or weakness, loss of appetite, change in water consumption (too little or too much), wet tail, diarrhea, unkempt coat, shaking, difficulty walking, sitting in an unusual ̶0;hunched̶1; position, constant huddling in a corner, sneezing, noisy or heavy breathing, ̶0;unhealthy-looking̶1; eyes, eye or nasal discharge, bald spots or sores.

It̵7;s important not to attempt treatment or to medicate hamsters with over-the-counter drugs. Take the hamster to a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Things You'll Need

  • Quarantine area
  • Tissue
  • Water
  • Food
  • Disinfectant
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    • 1

      Quarantine the hamster. Separate him from any cage mates, and put him in a darkened, quiet location with little activity, where he can rest.

    • 2

      Keep the hamster warm. Make sure he̵7;s away from drafts, and provide him with plenty of strips of plain, unscented tissue so he can make an extra-cozy nest.

    • 3

      Give the hamster ample fresh, clean water. Move the water dish or bottle close to where he̵7;s sleeping. If he̵7;s weak and not drinking, offer water in a medicine dropper, a small amount at a time.

    • 4

      Encourage the hamster to eat. Refresh food dishes and move them close to where he̵7;s resting. Offer treats. If he̵7;s not eating, attempt to feed him baby food through a medicine dropper.

    • 5

      Disinfect the hamster̵7;s cage. Wash the cage and all toys, tubes, wheels, dishes and bottles with a non-toxic solvent. Rinse everything thoroughly with water, and make sure it̵7;s all dry before placing the hamster back inside.

    • 6

      Limit the hamster̵7;s activity. Remove his exercise wheel and other toys. Hamsters are known to exercise even when ill. This is dangerous, as it can cause injury or dehydration.