Care for a Pregnant Dwarf Hamster

Whether you are breeding dwarf hamsters deliberately or you have found one of your female dwarf hamsters is unexpectedly pregnant, it is important to take action to guarantee her the best care possible. A female dwarf hamster will start putting on weight about a week after mating and give birth about 18 days after mating.

Things You'll Need

  • Cage with solid bottom
  • Nesting material
  • High-protein foods
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      Place the female hamster in a cage with a solid bottom, like a glass or plastic aquarium. A wire-bottom cage can result in injury to the pups when they are born, and if the wire openings are large enough, they can even fall through.

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      Leave the male hamster with the female hamster if he is available. Male dwarf hamsters, unlike Syrian hamsters, tend to be good fathers and will protect and warm the young when they are born.

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      Place the cage in a quiet area of the home. Pregnant hamsters and hamsters with small pups are very -prone to stress, and getting them out of a high-traffic area is essential.

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      Place nesting material in the cage. A pregnant hamster will want to create a nest for her babies. Tissue paper, paper towels and newspaper are all good choices for nesting material.

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      Supplement the pregnant hamster's food with treats that are high in protein. Very small amounts of cheese and peanut butter can help her stay strong and healthy while she is pregnant.

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      Leave the pregnant hamster alone in the days leading up to her pregnancy and in those directly following delivery. This ensures she won't become stressed to the point of doing harm to her pups.