How to Discourage a Teddy Bear Hamster from Biting Its Cage

Hamsters can easily get into the bad habit of biting the bars, corners or sides of their cages. This should be discouraged because it can damage their teeth and brains, according to, as well as make an incredibly annoying noise. Since teddy bear hamsters are nocturnal, the noise of cage biting can go on for hours while you are trying to sleep. But there are several things that can be done to gently discourage the teddy bear hamster from biting the cage.

Things You'll Need

  • Hamster toys
  • Hamster ball
  • Hamster chew treats
  • Soft hamster safe brush
  • Bathtub (optional)
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      Tire out the hamster. Domestic teddy bear hamsters descend from the wild Syrian hamster. These hamsters would travel for miles every night in search of food. Teddy bear hamsters still have the instinct to be very busy every night. Make sure the hamster has toys in its cage such as a wheel, tunnels or tubes to climb in and bedding that's at least 1 inch thick so it can tunnel under.

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      Make sure the hamster has play time outside the cage. This also can help wear out the teddy bear hamster. Hamster balls or toys such as hamster race cars are a good option. "Training Your Pet Hamster" notes that another option is to place the hamster in a dry bathtub along with some toys. The sides of the bathtub should be too large for the hamster to climb out of.

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      Handle your hamster. Teddy bear hamsters have long fur that needs to be brushed daily to be kept clean. Use a very soft toothbrush or brush made for small pets. Use a small treat such as a raw sprig of broccoli as a reward. Daily interaction with your hamster helps to relieve boredom and tire it out, according to "Training Your Pet Hamster."

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      Give your hamster chew treats to offer a tasty alternative to chewing on the cage. There are many flavored wooden chew sticks available for teddy bear hamsters, but recommends small pieces of plain dog biscuits.