Information on Different Types of Hamsters

With so many varieties of hamsters available, it's important for pet owners to research each species before they bring one into their home. Although they each have their differences, all hamsters require a large habitat, nutritious diet and social interaction.
  1. Types

    • According to the Hamster Club, hamsters comes in six types: Syrian, Dwarf, Campbell's Russian, Dwarf Winter White Russian, Roborovksi and Chinese.


    • Syrian and dwarf hamsters are the most common types of pet hamsters. Syrians can have short or long coats, while most dwarf hamsters feature a stripe running down their back. Syrians also come in a variety of colors, while dwarfs are mostly gray, white or brown.


    • Most hamsters live between two and three years. Because of their nocturnal nature it can be hard to detect illness; if not caught early, many diseases can become fatal very quickly.


    • Syrian hamsters can grow to a length of about five to six inches, while the smaller dwarf varieties are typically smaller than four inches, according to

    Fun Fact

    • Syrian hamsters can carry up to half their weight in food inside their expandable cheek pouches, according to