What to Do If You Think Your Dwarf Hamsters Are Mating?

If you think your dwarf hamsters are mating, you will probably need to determine whether or not the female hamster is pregnant. If she isn't, you might be able to simply separate the hamsters to prevent a pregnancy. If she is, you will need to know what to do to during her pregnancy, how to help care for the baby hamsters and what you can do with the babies after they're born.
  1. Mating Hamsters

    • Some dwarf hamsters are sexually mature as early as 30 days of age. If your hamsters are over this age, you should be aware that it's possible for the female to become pregnant. However, female hamsters are sterile at about 12 to 14 months of age, so if you have an older hamster, she can not become pregnant, even if you do think the hamsters are mating.

    Pregnant Hamsters

    • Pregnant dwarf hamsters will begin to show signs, such as quickly gaining noticeable weight, building a large nest and possibly becoming aggressive. The gestation period for dwarf hamsters is 21 days on average, but could be anywhere from 18 to 30 days.

      If you have a pregnant dwarf hamster, place the cage in a quiet room so that the mother-to-be doesn't become overly stressed.

    Newborn Hamsters

    • Your dwarf hamster can give birth to anywhere from four to 18 baby hamsters, or pups. Never handle a newborn hamster pup, because this might cause the mother to abandon or even cannibalize it. You can begin handling hamster pups when they're around two weeks of age. You should also try to avoid cleaning the hamster cage until the pups are about two weeks old, but you can wipe the cage gently with a tissue.

      When the mother hamster is nursing her pups, give her some bread soaked in milk three times a day in her food bowl. This will help her get the nutrients she needs.

      Once the baby hamsters reach four weeks of age, it's time to put the males and females in separate cages to keep them from mating. This is also the time you can begin to contact individuals or reputable pet shops to find your baby hamsters new homes.