Dwarf Hamster Diet

Dwarf hamsters are relatively the same as other hamsters despite their size. As a dwarf hamster owner, you can provide your omnivorous critters with a variety of different foods. You should, however, watch for diabetes as many dwarf hamsters are sugar sensitive, and a closely monitored diet may be necessary as a result.
  1. General Diet

    • Dwarf hamsters have a high metabolism rate for their size, so the quantity of food you give it will be about the same as you would give a normal hamster. Fill their bowls once daily with a commercial hamster diet which usually consists of various seeds, grains, nuts, beans and pellets. This diet will ensure they receive all the proper nutrients they need. Additionally, you may provide a limited amount of green vegetables on occasion, but too much may cause an upset stomach. Apples, bananas and carrots should be avoided with dwarf hamsters due to their high sugar content. Be sure to empty the food dish and provide fresh food daily.


    • Occasional treats can reward your dwarf hamster as well as provide it with a alternative source of nutrients. Hamsters are omnivorous, so you may feed them bits of boiled egg, meat, mealworms, mixed bird seed, dog biscuits, low sugar cereals and yeast tablets. Try to keep treats to a maximum of once a week. Additionally, you should purchase hard and crunchy treat sticks in order to keep your pet's front teeth trimmed.


    • Campbell dwarf hamsters are particularly susceptible to diabetes, so if you own one, keep a supply of diabetes test strips from a local pharmacy on hand for regular urine checkups. In the event that your hamster tests develops diabetes, you will need to eliminate sugary foods from its diet. Check your commercial hamster feed's ingredients for added sugars such as dextrose, corn syrup or fructose and switch to a sugar-free mix if necessary. Sugary treats like fruits or treat sticks should be removed altogether. You may give sugarless treats, such as unsweetened cereals, oats, eggs, green vegetables or tofu instead.