Parasites in Hamsters

Parasitic infestation is a common ailment in hamsters and can affect either the skin or the digestive tract. Antibiotics and creams are used to rid hamsters of various parasites, but veterinary help must be sought quickly once a problem has been detected. Left untreated, parasites will continue to attack the hamster, weakening its immune system and possibly leading to a secondary internal disease and death.
  1. Types

    • External parasites include demodectic and sarcoptic mange mites, fleas, lice, ear mites and ringworm. Internal parasites, or endoparasties, include tapeworms and pinworms.


    • Excessive or constant scratching, visible sores anywhere on the skin, dry and scaly skin, crusty lesions in the ears and abundant hair loss all point to the presence of parasites.


    • According to the British Hamster Association, the antibiotic Ivermectin is used to treat skin conditions in hamsters caused by parasites. The drug can be administered orally or via injection.


    • Bedding sold at pet stores can be infested with mites. If parasitic infestation recurs after proper treatment, owners should consider purchasing litter from a different vendor.


    • Parasites in hamsters are highly contagious to other hamsters, pets and even humans. According to, the infected hamster should be isolated and everything in its habitat sterilized.