How Long Do My Teddy Bear Hamsters Stay Pregnant?

Teddy bear hamsters are long-haired Syrian or golden hamsters. Syrians and teddy bear hamsters have the shortest gestation of any mammal--a whopping 16 to 18 days. They can have up to 12 babies (pups) in one litter.
  1. Identification

    • According to, teddy bear hamsters begin to show outward signs of pregnancy when they are about 10 days into gestation. Before they give birth, female teddy bear hamsters will resemble furry golf balls with a head.


    • Christine Logsdasil, writing in "Hamsters" (2008), states that as soon as the female appears pregnant, clean the cage thoroughly and do not clean the cage again until the pups are two weeks old. This will reduce the chances of the mother cannibalizing the pups.


    • Because the gestation of a teddy bear hamster is so short, the pups are born naked, blind and deaf. The female will be ready to mate again in less than five days.


    • If the female teddy bear is pregnant for more than 18 days, the pups have died. Take the hamster to the vet immediately.


    • Female teddy bear hamsters can become pregnant as young as 28 days old. Unless the females are separated from males in each litter before then, they are most likely pregnant.