How Do I Take Care of a Pregnant Teddy Bear Hamster?

Teddy bear hamsters are long-haired Syrian or golden hamsters. Their long coats give them an exceptionally cute appearance, which makes them popular pets. However, before breeding, be sure there will be good homes for the babies, which are called pups. Female hamsters can become pregnant when they are only 1 month old, and since it is difficult to determine the sex of a teddy bear pup, a female may be brought home already pregnant.
  1. Handling

    • Remove any other hamsters from the cage. Teddy bear hamsters are loners, but becoming pregnant may make them more aggressive. Any other hamsters will need to be housed in separate cages for the rest of their lives.

      Handle the pregnant hamster as little as possible, as jostling could result in injuries to the unborn pups. Although pregnant long-aired cats and dogs often get their coats trimmed to help with hygiene, do not try to trim the hair around the female hamster's genitals. She is too small to clip without risking injury.

      When the female begins to noticeably put on weight, clean the cage and place twice as much clean bedding inside it. Do not clean the cage again until the pups are 2 weeks old; otherwise, the female hamster may eat them. According to the Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association, hamsters will eat their babies if they feel their nest is threatened or if they do not have enough clean bedding.


    • Do not feed any fresh foods that may decay before the pups are 2 weeks old. Tiny morsels of cheese about the size of a fingertip are recommended in "From Babies to Grandparents" by Christine Logsdail. Adding a few sunflower seeds to her regular food can also help her quickly take in enough calories to sustain her pups and herself.

      Although she will clean out her food dish quickly, she will not eat most of her food. She will instead stash the food in several hiding places around the cage. There is a theory that feeding meat to a pregnant teddy bear hamster may make her more inclined to eat her pups, but claims this is not true.


    • Keep children, intrusive pets, visitors and loud noises away from a pregnant teddy bear hamster. She needs peace, quiet and food. Never wake her from her sleep. Keep her cage away from damp and from drafts, which may cause her to get sick.

      She may bite the bars of the cage, pace and try to sneak out of the cage, but this does not mean she is lonely. It usually means that she is hungry and is driven to find as much food as possible. Visit her several times a night just to check on her, feed her and refill water bottles.

      Teddy bear hamsters have one of the shortest gestations of all mammals at a mere 16 days. You will not have long to wait for the babies to arrive.