How to Prevent Diarrhea in Hamsters

Diarrhea is a common condition with hamsters because it̵7;s easy to feed them too much of the wrong kinds of food. You can prevent this condition if you take the precautions when feeding and caring for your hamster. Diarrhea can be serious if left untreated. The good news is you can prevent your hamster from getting diarrhea by following a few steps.


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      Feed your hamster a healthy balance of nutritional foods. Fresh fruits and vegetables are good for your hamster; just don̵7;t overdo it. Eating too many foods that are high in water content will cause diarrhea. Give him carrots, lettuce and cabbage in very small doses. Feed him fruits and vegetables two to three times a week.

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      Keep your hamster̵7;s water bottle and cage clean. The dirt and mold that grows in water bottles can cause diarrhea and other illnesses.

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      Keep your hamster̵7;s cage out of drafts and damp areas. Don̵7;t place your hamster̵7;s cage in direct sunlight. These conditions along with incorrect feeding can bring about diarrhea.

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      Offer your hamster a relatively stress-free environment. This is especially true when you first bring the hamster to your home. Allow him time to adjust to his new surroundings before handling him. Introduce yourself to your hamster by feeding him treats with your hand in the cage. When he comes to your hand, you might be able to pick him up.

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      Monitor your hamster. Make a habit of looking around his cage for hidden stashes of food that might be rotten. Also look for any signs that he could be sick. Runny or green droppings with a wet or messy bottom indicate diarrhea. Your hamster will also be less active than normal and more prone to bite if he is not feeling well.