How to House Hamsters

Hamsters are small rodents that generally live two to three years. They are nocturnal creatures and very active. Syrian and Chinese hamsters should be housed alone. Dwarf hamsters are more sociable than the Syrian breed and you can keep more than one dwarf hamster in the same cage; however, the hamsters need to be the same breed. With the proper care, you can expect your hamster to be happy and healthy.


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      Provide your hamster with an adequate cage. Wire and plastic cages are available. The most important thing to look for other than space for your hamster is ease of cleaning. Dwarf hamsters need a cage that is at least 12 inches wide and 18 inches long. Syrian hamsters need much more room than that because they will grow to be 6 inches long. The bigger the cage, the better it is for them, regardless of breed. Hamsters like to run and play and they need room to do this.

      Wire cages should have bars that are no more than ½ inch apart. The cage should have a solid bottom to avoid injuries. Wire cages are good for Syrian hamsters.

      Plastic cages are excellent homes for dwarf hamsters, but Syrian hamsters tend to outgrow them.

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      Provide your hamster with healthy bedding. The best types of bedding are shredded paper and biodegradable wood pulp. Do not use pine and cedar shavings because they can be toxic to hamster. Cotton bedding is also a bad choice because hamsters might nibble on cotton and become constipated.

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      Provide a water bottle and a shallow ceramic food dish that your hamster can̵7;t tip over.

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      Give your hamster places to hide. There are many choices for hideaways. The best hideaways allow your hamster a view outside. Avoid hideaways with bottoms. You can also use toilet paper rolls, paper towel tubes and small boxes with holes cut in them. Make sure any tunnels, homemade or purchased, don̵7;t have tiny cracks that can catch a hamster toe or leg.

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      Give your hamster permission to run with a wheel. This is one of the best ways for your hamster to get the exercise he needs. Get a wheel with a solid bottom so little feet don̵7;t get caught between wires and crevices. The best wheels attach to a side of the cage and have no cross supports.

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      Include ladders or branches for climbing. Make sure they are securely attached to the side of the cage to avoid unnecessary falls.