How to Care for Blueberry Dwarf Hamsters

Blueberry dwarf hamsters, so named because of their diminutive size and bluish fur, generally require the same basic care that other hamsters need, making them suitable pets for children and people who want to have a pet but have limited space. They do require extra-gentle handling because of their tiny size.

Things You'll Need

  • Cage or container
  • Hamster food
  • Bedding
  • Food bowl
  • Water bottle
  • Gnaw stone
  • Exercise wheel
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      Put one inch of bedding into your hamster cage. Change the bedding once a week to keep your hamster's habitat clean and sanitary.

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      Clean the area where your hamster defecates most frequently every day to help avoid odors and the growth of bacteria.

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      Use a ceramic food bowl for your hamster, as hamsters will chew on things and ceramic will not be damaged. Clean the bowl every few days, as some hamsters will sit in their food bowls.

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      Fill the bowl with hamster food; food can be purchased at pet stores and some grocery stores. Give your blueberry dwarf hamster fresh food every day.

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      Give your blueberry dwarf hamster fresh vegetables, such as carrots or celery, once or twice a week to add variety to their diet. Wash the vegetables thoroughly before you give them to your hamster.

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      Attach a hamster water bottle to your blueberry dwarf hamster's cage according to the directions on the bottle. Refill the bottle when it is empty, and rinse it out with warm water and soap once a week to prevent the growth of bacteria.

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      Place a hamster wheel in the cage. Hamsters will use the wheel for exercise, which will help keep them healthy.

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      Keep males and females separate if you do not want baby hamsters. Hamsters breed rapidly and will sometimes eat their young if they are disturbed.

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      Handle your blueberry dwarf hamster carefully. Frequent handling will help tame the hamster and get it accustomed to human contact.

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      Put a gnaw stone in the hamster cage so that your blueberry dwarf hamster has something to chew on. Gnaw stones help hamsters keep their teeth maintained and short.