Fighting hamsters are almost always engaging in an attempt to establish dominance over the other cage mates. Once the pecking order has been established, the fights typically subside.
Siberian dwarf hamsters adapt best to company when they are paired at an early age and come from the same litter. Introducing a new hamster into an established cage often results in fighting.
Siberian dwarfs are guided by their sense of smell. If a pair or group is separated for an extended period of time, they may forget they were once a happy family and attack the new intruder.
Close Quarters
Dwarf hamsters need their space and, according to DwarfHamsterCare101.com, a cramped cage will surely lead to fighting. Ample space and hiding places give the hamsters a place to enjoy some privacy.
Once hamsters begin fighting, they are prone to fight to the death. If the fighting has resulted in bloodshed and injury, the hamsters must be permanently separated.
Why Do Siberian Dwarf Hamsters Fight?
Siberian and other varieties of dwarf hamsters are more social than the Syrian species and tend to live peacefully in same sex pairs or groups. However, even these communal animals can be incited to fight under certain conditions, leading to serious injury and even death.