Where Can You Find Hamster Toys?

Hamsters commonly live in cages or aquariums, so hamster owners should provide toys for their hamster to exercise and fulfill the need to chew. With the boom of online retailers, hamster owners can order a large assortment of toys online. To avoid shipping costs and get the toys immediately, people can visit a pet store or look for pre-owned hamster toys.
  1. Pet Stores

    • Pet stores offer chew toys, wheels, hammocks, tubes and balls for hamsters. Some pet stores will even offer a cage with toys for a special price if buying the hamster from that store.


    • Specialty small animal catalogs, such as the one from Doctors Foster and Smith, sell nibblers, critter cruisers, wheels, balls and tubes. These catalogs usually offer a wider selection of toys than pet stores or discount stores.

    Online Retailer

    • Online pet supply retailers are an alternative to pet supply catalogs. Online retailers have a wide variety and many offer online clearance deals or first-time buyer coupons.

    Yard Sale

    • Yard sales and resale shops are a great place to find pre-owned hamster toys. The upside to finding toys at yard sales is that they're usually very cheap, but the downside is that the toys may need thorough cleaning before giving them to the hamster.

    Discount Store

    • Large discount stores usually offer a small selection of hamster toys in the pet section. Running balls, tubes and chew toys are the typical choices at a discount store.