How Long Does a Hamster Usually Live?

Hamsters are a popular pet for small children. However, these tiny rodent friends have a short life span. Depending on the breed of hamster you choose a pet, you may get a few extra years of enjoyment out of your fuzzy friend. With regular exercise, healthy food options and a clean environment, your pet hamster should live to his full potential.
  1. Time Frame

    • A pet hamster can be expected to live anywhere from one year to five years in captivity. The life span of your hamster will depend on his breed, housing conditions, lifestyle and food.


    • There are several breeds of hamsters. They tend to fit into two categories: dwarf hamsters and full-sized Syrian hamsters. The dwarf style hamsters have the shortest life span of all hamsters. They can live from one to two years in a healthy environment. The larger Syrian hamsters tend to live around four years, with five years being an occasional exception.


    • Giving your pet hamster ideal living conditions will prolong his life. A constant supply of a dry pellet diet with an assortment of occasional fresh treats will keep him healthy. Offer them fresh non-acidic fruits, mealworms, dark leafy greens and baby carrots.
      Always have fresh water available for your hamster. Keep water drinking bottles full, since they tend to leak if they get more than half empty. Use de-chlorinated water to keep your hamster healthy. Liquid vitamins may be added to the water for added nutrition.
      Regular exercise on a hamster wheel or in an exercise balls will keep you hamster in shape. An obese hamster will not live as long as a lean hamster.


    • Clean your hamster's cage regularly. Excessive moisture from urine, or a leaky water bottle, can cause health problems. Change the bedding regularly, so he has a warm, dry environment. Sanitize the cage during cleansing to kill any bacterial growth from feces.
      Examine your hamster for health concerns. Feel his body for lumps. Hamsters are prone to tumors. Look for any signs of fur loss, parasites or allergies. See a veterinarian if your hamster exhibits and abnormal behavior, refuses to eat or drink or is not going to the bathroom regularly.


    • Hamsters make wonderful pets. By giving them the chance to live out their natural life span, you will have a family pet that will be cherished for years. Their furry smiles, cute antics and active nature make them enjoyable for the entire family to watch.