How Many Days are Hamsters Pregnant?

Hamsters can make wonderful pets. The hamster is a fun creature to watch. Hamsters can be tamed quite easily. The hamster is also a very prolific breeder. Mating pairs of hamsters can produce a litter of pups every other month. Certain types of hamsters will take turns caring for their young. Other breeds (Syrian males) must be separated from the young pups quickly in order for the litter to survive.
  1. History

    • It is widely believed that hamsters were first bred in captivity in 1930. Surprisingly, hamsters were written about as early as 1797. Alexander Russell wrote the "Natural History of Aleppo". Russell's brother, Patrick, released the second edition of the book in which he described the Golden Hamsters of Syria. However, it was George Robert Waterhouse who named the hamster in 1839. This is when Waterhouse presented the Golden Hamster to the world as a new species. There is no doubt the hamster has been around for hundreds of years.


    • There are three types of hamsters. The first is the Syrian hamster. This is one of the most common of hamsters. It is the Syrian hamster which most people have as a pet. Although the Syrian hamster can be quite tame, they can also be extremely anti-social. It is for this reason that only one Syrian hamster should be kept in a cage. More than one can result in bitter fighting and possible death of one of the hamsters.
      Dwarf hamsters are smaller and more sociable. It is possible to keep more than one dwarf hamster in a cage together. When choosing to colonize dwarf hamsters, it is best to start when they are young. This allows the hamsters to grow up being used to each other.
      Chinese hamsters are about the same size as the dwarf hamster. Again, caution is to be used when keeping the Chinese hamsters together in one cage. The Chinese hamster can also be an anti-social mammal.


    • When choosing hamsters for breeding, the healthier the better. A hamster is a nocturnal creature so there may be little activity during the day. Hamsters are generally active and you should look for ones that are alert and curious of their surroundings. The nose should be dry. The fur should be clean. Droppings should not be watery. The eyes of the hamster should be clear and alert. Avoid any hamster which seems lazy or is breathing hard.
      Sexing the hamster is easy when you know what to look for. Hamsters will have two vents on their bottom. The male hamster will have a 1 to 2 centimeter distance between the two vents. The vents on the female hamster may not look as though there are two, as they will be very close to each other.


    • The hamster matures rapidly. A 28-day old hamster is considered mature. However, for breeding purposes, the hamster should be about 4 months old. A female hamster which is bred too soon could throw a small, weak litter. The female hamster comes into heat every four days. The gestation period for a pregnant hamster is only 15 to 18 days. When the pups are weaned, usually at three weeks, they can be separated from the mother. This means the mother is free to breed again. It is possible to have a litter of pups every other month. The average litter is anywhere from 4 to 12 pups.


    • The pups will get along with each other for the first month or so. After this time they may show signs of aggression toward each other. It is best to separate them as soon as they are weaned.
      You should never introduce the breeding male into the female's cage. It is best to have a separate cage in which the male has been placed and then add the female. Watch for signs of aggression from the female. Hamsters can fight viciously. If the female is unresponsive to the male, she should be removed immediately to avoid injury to either hamster.


    • Many hamster owners find the hamster population growth extremely rapid. This can cause an unhealthy environment for the hamsters. One way to combat the problem is to secure good homes for the hamster pups before they are born. There are many pet stores who will purchase hamsters directly from reputable breeders. You may consider speaking with the local pet stores to see what their policy is on buying hamsters from local breeders.